The lake level is 554.31 and has dropped one inch in the last 24-hours with just a little generation. The White river at Newport is now 3-feet and is the lowest I have seen it in a long time. Buffalo River and Norfork and White tailwaters are very low. Norfork Lake is at a good level and the lake in general is in very good condition. The surface temperature remains at just about 90-degrees and has been stable for quite a while. It is to warm back up to the low to mid 90's for ambient temperature starting today for several days. We need rain but things are still green here. This is a perfect time to bring the children for a trip and Norfork lake fun before school starts. Blackburns has the best place and best price. Come on down. We will not charge you too much. No need to stay where there is no big swimming pool. White Bass and some hybrids are schooled between 101 Bridge and Cow point and are coming up in the early mornings. After they go down spoon them. You can catch several all day long. Lots of fun.