Caught this Morning.
The lake level is 555.42 and is stable with very little generation. The White River at Newport is 4+ feet and about ready to dry up. It is getting hot again and looks to stay that way for several days with chances of showers most days. We are very dry again and need rain. I went diving yesterday and found the following: The surface temperature is 90 degrees and the visibility is about 6-7 feet down to the mud line where it is 0 from 20-24 feet. The thermocline starts at 24-feet and gets cold at 26-feet and the visibility is about 5-feet there and clearer in the cold water at 30-feet. All of the fish were from 21-25 feet and on or near brush and I saw mostly Kentucky bass and walleye but not a lot of either. I got two nice walleye. The white bass will move to this area soon. i did not see any crappie where I went but am catching some on a pole on main lake brush at 25-feet. The condition of the lake in general is excellent and the lake level is normal with all beaches, launches and parking operational. Looks to be a good summer. Come on down to Blackburns. We will not charge you too much and the children will have a lot of fun. Bring your bikes as we are not huddled up on a hillside but in a beautiful green valley with large playground 1/3 mile to our big dock with many rental boats. Our pool with slide is the largest around. You will like it here. Many repeat customers do.