Bink with one big hybrid.
The news is that the lake level is 560.81 and is dropping about 5-inches a day with continuous generation. The launches, parking, swim beaches and day use areas are now coming into play. This could have happened several weeks ago. It is dry here but we are getting showers about every day keeping things green. Several of Blackburns brush piles are at good levels and fish are on them. Especially bass and walleye. That is because the bait fish are there. Thousands of baby bass about an inch long. There are also many bass in the 9-12 inch range making for good fishing for years to come. Spear fishing season for Scuba Divers starts tomorrow and you can bet it will take an emergency to keep me from being out. I know where the fish are. The walleye numbers are as high as I have ever seen them. The thermocline is at about 20-feet and if you can find brush at that depth there will be fish on them. Big ones too. Surface temperature remains in the mid 80's and the lake is in excellent condition for boating and swimming. Do not have too much expectaion for the water visibility at the thermocline but I am only reporting for the area from Tracy to Cranfield. The water looks clear from the top but is not nearly that clear where the fish are but it is good enough for spearfishing. It does not matter for pole fishing. Pole fishing is easier. Blackburns has the best prices on both cabins and rental boats and the biggest pool. Why pay more?