The lake level is 565.10 and has dropped 1-inch in the last 24-hours. There was rain in the area last night and it was very spotty. I received almost none and the area around Flippin received 1-1/2 inches. The level at Newport is below 12-ft. and they must be waiting for a big rain to get the lake levels right up there. They should have dropped 4 or 5 ft. by now. The main lake in this area is clearing again but is still stained a little green. Not nearly what it was. Catfish are biting very well on trotlines with live bait. Flatheads are slowing down but channel cat are biting the best and big ones too. Up to 10-lbs. Smaller hybrids (in the 3-6 lb. range) and white bass are together schooled and can be caught on a jigging spoon after they go down in the morning. There is a top-water bite most mornings early. Bass are still in the brush 14-18 ft. of water and so are the walleye. The lake surface temperature is in the high 70's and is excellent for swimming and boating. Call 870-492-5115 for a cabin. We will not charge you too much. I only have pictures of smaller fish, not worth posting. Nearly everyone is catching them. The overall numbers are high.