The lake level is 565.17 and has dropped 1-inch in the last 24-hours with generation about 3/4 of the time. They are still running Table Rock enough to keep the level normal. They have also cut the discharge down at Newport and seem to be trying to keep the level at 12-feet for some reason unbeknownst to anyone. It is a good thing we did not get the rain that passed through the Sprinfield, lake of the Ozarks and St. Louis areas. You can add luck to the strategy of hold and hope. Fishing remains pretty good with several red meat fish being caught but a lot of smaller ones. Not worth a picture. Crappie fishing has slowed but some are still being caught. The fish are all together in the brush on the old shore before the lake was allowed to rise in 14-18 feet of water. Bass fishing is fair with a lot of smaller fish being caugh but some good ones too. Walleye fishing is also fair with more keeper fish taken than earlier. Spoons, grubs, creature baits and swim bates are all working. It is very busy here with people taking advantage of our low prices and I have not had much time to fish. When I do I can usually go out for about an hour and catch a couple of 19-22 inch walleye. They are very healthy. The new thing is that the water from Red Bank to the 101 bridge has become stained green again for some reason. Looks like algae. The creeks too even though we have not had any runoff for a long time and are dry. It does not hurt fishing any though. The water has warmed to the high 70's and is good for swimming and boating. The thermocline will be forming soon. Blackburns still has a couple of openings for the upcoming holiday. Come on down. We will not charge you too much. The big pool is filling. No need to stay at a plce with no pool or a small one.