Caught with Bink's Guide Service yesterday. Throw those 5-8 lb. ones back for the future.
The lake level is 565.34 and has risen just a bit in the last 24-hours with alternating one and two generators running. The level at Newport has dropped to 11+ feet with decreased discharge and there is absolutely no reason not to drop the area lakes. They are running Table Rock just enough to keep it at normal level. Maybe if Newport runs dry they will let some out of the lakes. Hold and hope and keep Table Rock normal is the obvious plan. Everything is fine here at Blackburns with no diminished services one big rain would not be good. We continue to be dry but the last rain did green things up a bit. We have been irrigating the garden. The weather continues to be beautiful. Blackburns still has a couple of openings for the up-coming holiday and also has the best prices. You can launch your boat here, put it in a free stall (unless you bring a pontoon), park your trailer here and be done with it until you leave. Cannot get much better than that. Fishing is still pretty good with the water warming. I had a 76 degree temperature yesterday. The lake in general is in excellent condition but a few day use areas and camping spots are affected. Most resorts are not.