Caught today with Bink.
The lake level is 565.64 and they are generating just enough to match what is coming in from the river despite Newport being at 12+ feet. At least it is not rising now. They continue to slow the discharge at Newport but continue to run Table Rock which is at a normal level. It thundered most of the night but my rain gauge is dry this morning but it is cloudy with a chance of rain for the next couple of days. We are very dry. You would think that with the temperature near 90 for the last week that someone would need electricity but it does not seem to matter with the generation schedule as long as Table Rock is normal and Newport is nearly dry. The lake is pretty clear and is better than it has been for a few years and the overall fishing continues to be good. It looks good for scuba diving so far. White bass, hybrids, small stripers in the 5-8 lb. range, walleye and bass are all biting but are not jumping in the boat or are not on fire. Spooning for white bass is working very well right now and smallmouth bass are biting pretty well on creature baits. The water temperature is in the mid 70's and will be a good temperature for swimming for the holiday. Blackburns resort and Boat rental has no diminished services and still has a couple of openings for Memorial Day. Compare our prices before you book and watch for add-ons. Wide open spaces and big green playground. Nearly flat and good for kids and bikes. Big pool.