The lake level is 565.13 and rising with no current generation and has risen about 3-inches in the last 24-hours. Newport has dropped to 19-feet and they have cut the discharge down there. Flood stage at Newport is 26-feet. Hold and hope and then open the gates and flood everything downstream seems to be the master plan along with protecting Branson. It clouded up yesterday and wanted to rain but we received just a few big drops. It is beautiful today with a good chance of rain later this week and very warm with highs near 90. Tom stanton brought in some nice stripers and hybrids he caught on Top water. The surface water temperature is rising and is near 70 in the shallow backs of creeks. That is the place to be now for crappie. Around any exposed wood. Blackburns has several long time repeat customers in now and it is friends week. Welcome all. The weather is cooperating so far. We like it here when things are busy. We will not charge you too much. Get out there at 6:AM in the backs of the major creeks and throw a creature bait to the bank until you see fish coming up and throw a spook or spitin image just past them and walk the dog. You will catch fish. If they are too far away cast a spoon and hop it back, keeping it from sinking as much as you can. This is the fun time of year. Blackburns Resort and Boat rental has no diminished services and the lake is very clear. Getting ready for a good scuba season.