The lake level is 564.58 and has risen 5-inches in the last 24-hours with very little generation. They are running Table Rock very heavily and also opened some spillway gates to keep it stable to protect Branson and the Landing. They have also increased the discharge at Newport and the level there is approaching 19-feet. If they had done this a few months ago when it was 8-ft. would have shown a little bit of foresight. The average rainfall for this area in April is 4.84 inches and we received just under that this year. Hold and hope and then open the gates, like they did last year and in 2008 just does not work for anybody. Draw down in the winter and generate when it rains might help. This is a management problem. This warm weather and warming water conditions are creating an increase in action for fishing. Catfish are biting on jugs and trotlines, crappie are in the backs of the creeks and the males are preparing for a spawn, bass are moving to the banks to make a nest, walleye are on the bottom in 20-ft. in their normal places, the water level is in the buckbrush making for good cover for spawning fish and the top-water bite is beginning. Things will just get better from here. Everything is fine here at Blackburns with the creeks stained a bit from the rain and the main lake is pretty clear. The overall conditions are good and people are catchiung fish every day. You can launch here, park your trailers here, move your boat to a free boat stall and go fish. Can't beat that. And all for the best prices.