It was nice yesterday afternoon and the high hit 50. It is cloudy today and about the same temperature. The lake surface temperature is actually dropping with the cold nights and is in the lower 50's. The lake has dropped just a bit to 559.52 with one generator running continuously. Table rock is still running everything and also have the flood gates open. They are wasting water already but that does not matter if they can keep the Branson Landing from getting high. They get a lot of flack for that and only have a few days before the planting season starts and the regulation is to keep Newport at 14 feet. It was cold yesterday morning for the Cystic Fibrosis tournament but the small amount of snow we received in the morning was gone by noon. The tournament was very successful with 225 boats entered and the winners caught 14.5 lbs. It now rivals the bass cat for entries and would have been more with nicer weather. It is a good cause. I did not go out yesterday as boats were continuously coming in and out of my favorite spots. Blackburns still has one cabin available for Bass cat and have the best prices. You can get a one bedroom cabin for $53/day for two people. It looks to warm up very soon.