The lake level is 554.68 and has risen about 10-inches in the last 24-hrs. It would have stabilized but they shut off the one generator. The level at White River at Newport is 9-feet and I cannot understand why they are determined to raise Norfork. We are like the bastard child and have no respect. I suggest impeachment of the decision makers at the Corps of Engineers. Everything is about politics and the money. Change the rules. Everytime the lake rises there is more debris that has been stuck by the last flood that is broken loose. Be carefull and especially after dark. Blackburns has several good fishermen in now and they are moving to the Pigeon Creek area and Red Bank area to catch big crappie. I sent some to a good area and they did well. Blackburns price is still $53/day for a 1-bedroom cabin. We take care of our regular customers and welcome new friends and will not charge you too much. You must really check prices. Some are actually raising their prices this weekend and are empty. They also charge for boat stalls and trolling motors on pontoons. We do not. Check us out. We are not huddled up on a hillside and have 28 acres. 30-boats to rent at best prices. Green flat payground and 150 Meg internet.