The lake level is 553.40 and is stable with very little generation. I guess they will not generate Norfork until the White river goes dry. We need to be at 550 now in order to compensate for spring rains if they come. It is very dry now and it comes in bunches. The lake is at an excellent level now for fishing and the color is getting better and better. Blackburns has a lot of customers in now and they are catching fish but not too many. Live bait and grubs are catching smallmouth and kentuckys on the main lake near Blackburns. Several fish are being caught in Blackburns Creek in the evening. I am sorry I cannot give a lot of individual attention to each customer due to the numbers but it is better to stay at a place that is busy than alone. You pay a lot of extra mony for the attention. Fishing reports are old and do you think most guides send you to their hot spots if you are not paying? I have no interests except for Blackburns Resort customers catch fish. That is why I put in so many brush piles and work so hard at it. Very few do this. I am impressed by the people that copy me. They will never catch up but nobody does that copies. I know where the fish are. I am ready for diving season. Walleye are showing up today but just a few.