The lake level is 558.46 and has dropped 3-inches in the last 24-hours with a little less generation than the day before. We are at a good level now but have little surge capacity for a big rain which is going on all around us. We are still very dry. It is to be warm with highs about 90 for the weekend with chances of some rain but mostly sunny. It looks to be a good weekend for the last hurrah for most non-fishermen. I do not have time for much fishing now as we are trying very hard to get the resort ready for Labor Day. The yard is being mowed, the pool is sparkling and we are fixing as many things as we can with just a few days of not being full. We have been very busy since March. Many other improvements are being made as we speak. They start piling in again starting tomorrow. We will have it as nice as possible for you when you get here. I was getting a rental boat ready for the weekend and took a little ride to check it out and also check on lake conditions. The surface water temperature was 87 degrees and the water was pretty clear from the surface. More and more wood is showing near the shore so do not assume things are the same as when you were here before. More swimming areas and beaches are open now as are launching areas and parking. Bidwell, Cranfield and Panther Bay all have good swimming beaches and Cranfield has the best overall facilities. They have not had much time to get all of them completey redone since the high water but they are much better than before when swimmers were clogging up the launching areas and there was no place to park. High water does not affect resorts as much as day use areas and campgrounds but it is not good for anyone. We will see how far they drop the lake before they quit. The current power pool is 555.75 and they are reluctant to drop below that and turn some of the control over to the Power Authority for some reason. One goverrnment agency is in competion with another one for control. We have several very good friends in Louisiana and wish them the best. Hot weather and no power is not a good combination. Blackburns has $59/day cabins in just 6-days so give Debbie a call at 870-492-5115 before they are all gone. We have the best resort and the best prices in the area. We will not charge you too much. Bink reports still catching a mixed bag of fish in 30-35 ft. of water on his spoon. Not much has changed recently.