Norfork Lake fishing and lake conditions by Scuba Steve from Blackburns Resort and Boat rental (click here for comments)

Caught fishing with Bink's guide service yesterday. Image title

The lake level is 557.22 and has risen 2-inches in the last 24-hours with only three hours of generation. They are running Table Rock generators hard to protect Branson and leaving Norfork behind like a step child again. The rules need to be reviewed and changed leaving politics out. The lake is warming rapidly and fish are spawning. Many big bass and crappie are spawned out and are moving to 20-30 ft. brush. Middle sized ones are still on the bank or on brush. Carp are way back in the creeks spawning and making a big commotion. Channel cats are biting well and just a few flatheads are showing up. They are the last to spawn and only bite live bait. People using hot dogs are catching smaller fish and ones using live shiners catching bigger ones. The lake is warming nicely again and is in the mid 60's in some places. I still do not know where all of these bluegill that are from one to one and one half inches are coming from. Must have been a fall spawn but the bass and catfish sure do like them. Top water stripers and bass are getting better every day and some stripers are being caught north of Cranfield near dark.  The weather has been perfect with rain moving in again Wednesday and continuing until thursday night. The weekend looks good again. Crappie, bass and catfish are the best bite with some white bass coming in but we do not count them. I hope people do not kill a bunch of small top water stripers as we need to build up the supply of big ones. If you are staying at a place where you are nearly the only customer you are paying too much. Do some shopping.