The lake level is 577.01 and has been the same for four days despite the 1.7 inches of rain that we received in the last two days. The creeks did not run and they increased the generation a bit. The game and fish and corps of engineers cleaned up the Panther Bay launch this morning and it is in good shape for launching. Watch out for submerged signs and guard rails. Blackburns big pool with slide is open and children are in it all day. The Magness group is here and are welcome. We are always glad to see them. They are catching lots of channelcats on their trot lines. You can still drive and park at Blackburns Dock and step on and get a free boat stall while paying the lowest prices in the area. There are some crappie and bass being caught off the dock now. I will get some crickets and try for brim. We hope you like our new WI-FI system. It gets reception in most places and is very expensive. It is 30-times faster than our old one.