Joe Caught three of These Between Showers In Blackburns Creek.
We have received 4-1/2 inches of rain in the last 2-1/2 days with heavy intermittant showers training across Norfork Lake. The creeks are running heavily and the lake is rising but has not come up too much yet and is at 553.53 and rising. It should come up a couple of feet depending on the level of generation. All fishing reports are off for now until we can get back out there and one fishing trip will not cover all of the bases. The best tip for now is to stay out of the brown water. The largemouth bass had moved partway back in the creeks and were feeding near and after dark shallow. I was just starting to catch all kinds of big bass and crappie there but we will see. Like I said all is off until we check things out. Blackburns has some very good fishermen here now and I can get you some good information. I suspect the smaller crappie and Kentucky Bass with stay on the brush. Joe Cebula Caught three nice fish between showers and fishermen are staying near the dock. If the night bite for stripers happens (it does not always do so) your best bet will be around the 25th of this month. Stay tuned for updates. Our Iowa friends (pictures to follow) caught some very nice stripers and hybrids around the Calamity Beach area on large shiners but that was yesterday. We are still getting downpours.