Mike caught several more. These are the biggest.
The lake level is 556.01 and has risen 1.2 feet in the last 24-hours with one generator running about 1/2 the time. It is rising much slower now. It has risen about 2-3/4 feet in the last four days and we have received a total of about 8-inches of rain in that period. It rained harder at times but mostly it was a slow steady rain and the ground was dry and the creeks did not run very fast and there is little mud in the creeks. So far it has not affected fishing much. The lake is still at a good level and the rain is gone and high pressure is here resulting in sunny skies and warmer temperatures. It is to reach 70's early next week again but there will be cool nights with the clear skies. Our first frost should occur tomorrow night. The moon is full tomorrow night and it should be very bright. I kept waiting for the rain to quit yesterday and it finally did about 4:PM and then I went fishing until almost dark. The surface temperature on the main lake was 65+ and the only thing that I saw that changed was the water was higher and the very backs of the creeks were a little muddy and the shore line with clay and mud banks was stained back up but not very far out. I went to the same places that I have been fishing and the fish were still there. I caught crappie, bass, bluegill and a short walleye and came in just at sunset a little after 6:PM. The time change goes into effect Saturday night and it will get dark about 5:30 after that but not very much with the moon. This weekend and next week will be a good time to come fish. Blackburns still has cabins for $59/day for two people with a free boat stall. If you thought big covered porches are not important the last four days should have changed your mind. People spent a lot of time under the porches and on the big dock waiting for the rain to slow except for the Katashuks who fish in anything. We will see what today brings and I will let you know. Things are changing and I will be out there everyday. You cannot go fishing once every week and write a report. If there are no reports, there are no fish being caught. If any stripers are to move to the bank to feed at dark this will be the time. Very few big ones are being caught. Bass and crappie are the best bite now. Bink says the rain will bring the fish back into the creeks and he is almost always right. I expect several fair weather fishermen out there this weekend.