The lake level is 559.04 and is dropping a little over three inches in a 24-hour period with the equivalent of one generator running continuous. The surface temperature was dropping and is now in the early 70's but should not today with the high in the high 80's. That is all to change tomorrow with the high to be low 70's with lows to be near 40. With the number of hours of sunshine being less and less per day now and overnight lows dropping so will the surface temperature. It is about where it should be for this time of year. I did catch a flathead on my throw line yesterday and a couple of nice bass on the spoon jigging brush piles in 28-ft. if water. I released them in Tom Kelly's trophy pond. It is fully stocked now but is getting fished more heavily. Fishing is not the best now and you have to work for what you get but some good fish are being caught. The lake is getting less stained and is a good color for fishing. Big moon, dropping lake level and cold fronts moving in and out are not helping things. There is some color, mostly yellow, showing up on the hillsides for fall foliage but not a lot. The sumac on the roadsides is not changing much yet but some ornamental bushes are. It is nearly a month for the nornal peak to happen. Blackburns is your fall foliage headquarters for Norfork Lake, Mountain Home, North Central Arkansas and the Ozark Mountain region. Come on down. We will not charge you too much and are open all year. Some are not.