The lake level is 578.64 and has risen 5-inches in the last 24-hours with just a few hours of running one generator. It is a good thing it has not rained for five days. They have now cut the White River level at Newport to below 24 feet and must think we are not going to get much more rain this week. I hope so. The government always knows the right thing to do and I put myself completey in their hands. I just hope we do not end up like Michigan. It might hurt the farmers. The lake surface temperature just will not get out of the 60's and is a little cool for swimming. At least for me. The children do not mind. People have been pent up and are anxious to get out. It looks to be a busy weekend and we have been receiving hundreds of calls for reservations but have been full for a couple of weeks. I assume most resorts are the same since there are very few government campsites open. The lake is in pretty good condition and the main lake is clear and the creeks stained a bit but not bad at least in my area . I have not been north of Cranfield and have no reason to go there. There will be no fishing for me until at least monday afternoon and will leave the lake to the amateurs. I still have not figured out what good a jet ski is for except to teach young people how to abuse equipment and ram everything. There is not much chance you will get me on one. They seem to want to show off and see how close to fishing boats they can get. When I was diving once, there were two of them trying to see if they could go by my dive flag and grab hold of it while going right over me. It was a good thing I did not have to come up. My fishing tip for friday afternoon, saturday and sunday is to wait for tuesday. Bink is still catching some good top water fish early and then spooning for bass later. Mike Eakle, Tom Kelly and Rob Gravengoed are all catching good fish. The Davis boys were but just left. Make sure the children all have life jackets on and the others all have one on the boat. There is some debris in this area so do not go out after dark. There will be plenty of law enforcement out there.