Caught yesterday.
The lake level is 553.99 and has dropped over an inch in the last 24-hours with both generators running about 1/2 the time. The surface water temperature is pretty stable at about 51 degrees and the lake is still stained and you can see your lure down about 3-feet. They have dropped the White River at Newport to below 15-ft. and could be letting out a lot more water and creating a lot more energy rather than holding and hoping and opening up the spillway gates and not getting anything from the release. They exemplify bad management and the rules need to be changed. Nobody gets hurt with Newport levels below 21-feet. The fishing remains good with crappie and bass alternating as the best bite and the level is perfect for blackburns brush piles and they are producing. It has been windy for the last two days and it has dropped a lot today finally. More and more walleye are showing up but most of them are throw backs. We have several people fishing out of Blackburns now and they are all catching fish but mostly bass and crappie with a walleye or two also. White bass are scarce and the ones caught are mostly small. Please get your deposits in by January 15th to hold you reservations for this year and insure you get the cabin and boat of your choice and not lose your seniority. There have been a lot of improvements made this fall and winter and you will like what you see when you get here. Looking forward to seeing familiar faces and new ones too. The lake in general is in excellent condition. May the new year find you and yours healthy and happy. Everything is good here.