The lake level is 559.15 and has dropped 5-1/2 inches in the last 24-hours. They have 6-spillway gates open 2-ft. and 6-gates open 1-ft. for a total discharge of 10,200 cfs. Be carefull out there on the river. The surface temperature was just over 54 degrees when I went out yesterday and the lake was stained and you could see your lure down about 4-feet. The wind was light and coming out of the northwest mostly and went down after sunset. The moon was bright and in it's first quarter. Full moon is on the 12th. Water dropping fast and moon growing has slowed the catfishing way down. Crappie, bluegill and bass are the best bite now but some open water fish are being caught on shad about 25-ft. down but most are small. I did not catch any picture fish and nothing was biting very well. I will try again today and let your know. The weather is good and highs are in the 50's. Come on down. We will not charge you too much and are open all year.