The lake level is 570.31 and has dropped about 2-inches in the last 24-hours with generation about 1/2 the time. They are doing the best to keep the level up despite the dry weather. I was hoping the new management would be better but it is worse. They are holding the White River at Newport to 12+ feet like it was from Mount Sinai. Fortunately as the bowl gets smaller the level drops faster. The lake is in good condition and the surface temperature is in the high 80's. It is good for both boating and swimming. Fishing is just fair for everything except deep stripers and some deep walleye and shallow bluegill. Bass fishing after dark is fair-good on salt craws. I only report from north of Cranfield Island to south of Robinson Island but i am seeing almost no debris except for an occassional log. Diving conditions have deteriorated with the visibility but that is normal for july. This is a typical July except for the water level. Come on down. We will not charge you too much. You can still get a one bedroom cabin for $75/day with two bedroom, three bedroom and four bedroom priced accordingly. Why pay more?The big pool is great and the children love the slide.