The lake level is 554.31and has dropped 1-inch in the last 24-hours with several hours of no generation. February is moving right along and they are missing a good chance to get the lake down. The water is still very stained for this time of year and the surface temperature is still 45+. It is sunny and warm today with highs to reach about 70 and to stay above the 47 degree average high for the next several days. White bass, hybrids, bass and crappie continue to be the best bite and spoons continue to be the best lure. The bass we are catching are on the bottom at 40-feet of water near brush. The crappie did come back up to about 10-ft. down over brush in the evening and I caught several. No giant ones but i did do a quick release on a big one trying to get it in over the side of the boat with no net. I am not killing them anyway. It is just nice to be out in this beautiful weather and on the water. There is supposed to be some kind of game today but I will be fishing. It may help keep the boat traffic down. We put in a nice new brush pile yesterday and I caught fish off the one we put in the day before already. Come on down. We will not charge you too much.