The lake level is 552.63 and stable with only one hour of generation. The White River at Newport is at 3-ft. and is about ready to dry up. They could let out all they want. It was 2-ft. yesterday. I went out yesterday afternoon and there were white caps on the main lake. Depending on which way the wind is coming from is where I go to fish. Some times this is not easy as the hills do not stop the wind but channel it to another direction. It was blowing from the south out of Blackburns Creek and the east on the main lake. I tried bass fishing and could not catch much and then the wind layed about 4:30 and the crappie started to bite. There were no big ones but all were about the same size 11-inches. They are very healthy. I saw one other boat out there. The lake surface temperature was 55.1 degrees. Fishing in general was just fair but it was nice to be out there. It is to be a little windy again tomorrow but I will work through it. It is fine today so I am on my way now. Wish you were here. We will not charge you too much. Check prices and extra charges. No surprises here. Give the extra money you would spend somewhere else to the disabled Veterans.