Tom caught some good ones yesterday.
The lake level is 552.37 and is exactly what it was 24-hours ago despite 2-1/2 inches of rain last night. Most of it sunk in with the dry conditions. They generated about 6 hours. It is very cloudy and rainy now. That makes about 4-inches this week and the dry conditions are over for now. Everything is very green. It is hard to believe we are past half way through August and nearing Labor Day. It has been a very successful season so far for Blackburns and we want to thank our loyal customers of which we have many. The lake is in excellent condition so come on down. We still have two cabins open for the holiday weekend. A normal sized boat stall comes free with your cabin and we do not charge for trolling motors on pontoons. We have 11 of them to rent starting at $105/day plus fuel and oil. You have to be a guest of the resort to rent a boat. It is a stupid rule but it is the Corps of Engineers rule not mine. September is an excellent time to visit.