Caught yesterday. Spooning is working best.
The lake level is 553.68 and has dropped 1-inch in the last 24-hours with about 5-hours of generation. The creeks are stained and the main lake is pretty clear for this time of year. We are very busy here with many loyal repeat customers and we appreciate you. Bink is on all kinds of temperate bass and is out with one of our guests again today. We will see how they do. I am betting on him. He caught some good ones yesterday. The White River at Newport is at 3+ feet and is very low as is the Buffalo. We receive a little rain last night and it was just enough to keep things green. It is sunny today which is in contrast to the cooler cloudy past few days. The lake is in excellent condition for fishing, boating and water sports. The visibility for diving is fair. Good time for a visit. We will not charge you too much.